Currently part of the kazbegi district, Khevi province is on the Greater Caucasus watershed. Here run the rivers Truso, Snostsq’ali and Tergi (the famous Terek), the latter running to Vladikavkaz in Ossetia, before getting through Chechnya and Dagestan and, finally, the Caspian Sea.
There are many reasons to include this region in your trip: mount Kazbek (Mkinvartsveri) is a 5000 well suited to a good climber, albeit with a guide. The Church of Trinity in Gergeti will treat you to one of Georgia's best views.
Khevi is crossed by the Georgian Military Highway, through Kazbegi all the way to the Dariali Gorge, the border between Caucasus and Trans-Caucasia.
The origins of the name "Darial" come from the Persian "Dar-e Alan", the Gate of the Alans. It drew its importance by being the only passage through the Caucasus, to and from Russia and it has been guarded by forts since 150 BC. Some ruins of the fortress are still visible today.
The gorge attained literary fame in the novel "the demon" by Mikhail Lermontov. Other major Ruussian writers celebrated this place, such as Puskin, Tolstoj, Gorkij and Maiakovskij, giving this valley a status of its own in the Caucasus.

From the wonderful Sno Valley to the Djuta village, just below Chauki massif. The path through Chauki Pass leads to the Abdelauri Lake and Khevsureti
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